Contact Us

Our Customer Service team are available via email and live chat each business day.

Christmas - New Year Customer Service Hours:

25th of December - Closed

26th of December - Closed

27th of December - Open 9am till Midday

28th of December - Closed

29th of December - Closed

30th of December - Open 9am till Midday

31st of December - Closed

1st of January - Closed

2nd of January - Open 9am till Midday

3rd of January - Open 9am till Midday


Use Live Chat to speak directly with one of our Layby Experts.
(Click the Live Chat button on the bottom right of your screen to ask your query. If blue, one of our team members is standing by to help you with your query.)

Or please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible. Please quote your order number if you have a current order with us.

Please note we have recently ended offering phones support in favour of a ticketed system so we can be sure to answer customer queries in the order they are received.

Any personal information you provide will be managed in accordance with MyLayby's privacy policy available at 

© 2023 Mylayby